Yes, Men are amusing creatures

Rita Narayan
2 min readNov 15, 2019

To the readers, read carefully. You will have an amusing read up there. Don’t go away. I might give you some interesting examples through the read.

Men are amusing and can be very interesting. I really don’t know if they can be called dogs, though a lot of memes have these quite often. There have been various times when I caught a man’s attention or shall I say I looked at them quite often cos I wanted to. Long ago, did I realise that they can be so important. I won’t talk about how we feel about Fathers, Brothers, or Safe Guardians. I will look at them from the eye of a girl who wants men to pay every attention needed. Will the forever love stories or lost wars survive if we didn’t have men in them. Will I get to marry a “tall, dark, handsome”, if they weren’t said always to be the perfecto I dreamt.

These days we don’t see love and war taking a pace that it did once centuries ago. Today Men are womanisers, Casanovas, not love. Are they really that bad. Do they need to be see from a different lens altogether. Do they have a evil side along with the angelic side in them. We women are getting so self centred today that we are forgetting to give them a stand to be nice again.

Recently I was having a conversation with a guy who believed Eve is culprit in Adam and Eve’s story. We were kinda having a debate on who’s the villan in the whole story. Well, both men and women may have their sides of the story.

When we point fingers on Men saying its Man’s world and we women strive to go hand and hand cos we women are not recognised. Its the same time I wonder how many numbers of women do we have who brought revolution. Weren’t the men who stood up supporting the women today. Who were they then?

While the number of rapists are equal today, how many women today sell themselves discretely to earn some pocket money. What do we call those men? Support systems? My Mom always says, Men didn’t need anything apart from sex from the other gender or the same gender. If such a thing never existed, Men would be the most powerful and we women wouldn’t be needed at all.

Why do we hate men when we women like being flirted all the time. Why do we women seek attention if men weren’t that nice anymore. I like them, and I hate them but I cant ignore them. Just like ying and yang, men and women both are needed to celebrate the life we have, the smaller incidents that make us smile, go mad around them and dream about them.

Rest assured, you Men are aspired, inspired and dreamt by us all the time.

